More Hard Work....
Here is our garden! We spent hours working in the blazing hot sun to get it to this point, because it was seriously a huge mess before. But now look at it! And I think Martha would be proud of our innovative labeling system...I sort of stole the idea from her...although her version was for an herb garden, and it used smaller rocks in natural colors...a little more understated. We love our version looks so cute out there. I really want Brian to put up a miniature white picket fence around it...wouldn't that be so sweet? All votes for the white picket fence, please comment on this post so Brian can see that he has to do it!
Cool garden. We've only been brave enough to do tomatoes, and the kids like to pick them and throw them, so we kind of stopped.
I vote "no" for picket fence. Someone has to be on Brian's side.
The garden is so different than what I originally saw there. Who did all of this work? Did you rototill with a shovel or did you borrow one?
I definitely am a "NO" on white picket fences. It looks great the first year and then it's forever painting it trying to make it look good. Besides, what if a squirrel impales itself jumping into your garden to eat you tomatoes. Now, wouldn't you feel bad about that.
I love, please come do it at my house!
I'm actually talking about a vinyl white picket fence...the kind that comes pre-made in small sections. No way am I painting that thing! And I'm hoping the peanuts that Brian bribes our squirrels with will keep them out of our tomatoes...I hope!!!
Someone needs to be on Krista's side if Trav's siding with Brian. I say yes on the little picket fence. It would be so adorable! It would help to divide the yard. And vinyl all the way, they are so easy to maintain.
Holy maceral! Hey you guys want to come help ted and I!! we have been working on it off and on for about a month, and are nowhere near where you guys are. Love it, love it, love it! You guys are going to love the garden, now if we could only get our buns in gear....but alas.
By the way, you could have our old wood white picket fence after we put up the chainlink! Anyone who know me well, knows how much I love chainlink, especially the ones with the white slats for privacy :)
I've been trying to get a fence of ANY kind around Kent's garden for years!!! He says it gets in the way of the rototiller! I say...GET THE FENCE NOW!!! It would look so cute!
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