Friday, August 04, 2006

.....the Big Finish!

Madison chased me to the finish line and ended up tripping and hurting was very sad.
Yay for Angie!!!! She rocked the race!!!

I finished at about 36 minutes, and Angie at about 45. We are so proud of our first run, and we can't wait to do the next one!!!!
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At 7:57 PM, Blogger Jen Lee said...

Way to go Krista! Someday I will get some exercise that doesn't involve chasing a crawler away from the computer cords and tossing him in the air over and over and over and over again.

At 10:12 AM, Blogger Mike said...

The race sounded like a lot of fun Angie and Krista! I always feel great after a brisk 3-5 mile walk in the mornings, and I need to do it more consistently. Thanks for the inspiration to get going :-).

At 7:39 PM, Blogger WX Ences said...

So what is with you totally neglecting to come to our little party at the Adamson's? I feel so cheated out of some very quality time....ok, only a little cheated, but it would have been great to see you.
I dig the 5K energy, I'm very impressed. Congrats!
Let us know when you are heading out of state. We'd like to see you before you leave for another undetermined length of time!

At 5:50 AM, Blogger Dan said...

Hey...did you forget about us. We want pictures of "Oreo" (as Maidson called your new home).

At 7:55 PM, Blogger Melanie said...

Alright guys, it's time for an update!! Anything will do, even just a little pic of the new appt. Or a pic of Madison getting into trouble? Maybe a picture of the stack of canning you did last weekend.

We want an update!!!

We want an update!!!

We want an update!!!

At 2:38 PM, Blogger Travis said...

update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update! update!

At 5:44 PM, Blogger Dan said...

Hi Betty,

I guess if we can't get Brian to Blog at least we can talk here to each other. I hope you are doing well in your English classes. Work hard so you become proficient in the language.

It is nice talking to you again.

At 1:10 PM, Blogger Dan said...

we've been abandoned

At 6:35 PM, Blogger Sonya said...

We've checked in on you lately. Sounds like things are going great! 5K...I would die (Sonya)! We have a blog now because we live away from everyone. Here's the site:

Enjoy! We miss you!
Sonya (& Justin)

At 7:32 AM, Blogger Dan said...

HEY guys......................knock, knock, knock.


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